"Sultry woman's boyfriend has her hook middle-aged clerk for his money, leading first to ironic and then tragic complications. Second of a pair of closely related middle class nightmares directed by Fritz Lang. (Remake of Jean Renoir's 1931 French film, La Chienne.)" - noir expert Spencer Selby
Edward G. takes massive psychological punishment from one of the most unlikable and obnoxious con artists in cinema "Johnny" & and his sizzling partner in crime, who not only play on his loneliness but exploit his creative talents as well. Wicked!
Reviewer:Hakuna Muhimu
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April 10, 2018 (edited)
Shorty G Robinson
I was reluctant to watch this because Robinson is not the typical dashing leading man. But man can he act this is his second great movie on this film festival that i have watch; the other being The Red House. Hakuna
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May 5, 2010 Subject:
Joan Bennett! Wow!! She was incredible, I had no idea she how capable she was! Robinson is always great, as is Duryea. Well worth a look.I can imagine you would be disappointed.
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August 29, 2009 Subject:
two thumbs up
This is fine entertainment from three stars on top of their game, put through their paces by a quality director and with the benefit of a cracking script. With all that going for it,the film couldn't fail and doesn't